From 1,450.00

We can register your Company in Cyprus remotely.

In order for the company to be registered, you must have:

  • Proposed Name of the company 
  • Director
  • Secretary
  • Shareholder
  • Registered Office Address
  • Information about the share capital and business activity

We will prepare all documents for you according to your instructions and the information you will provide to us in the next steps. 

  • Proposed names of the company

    please come up with 3-5 proposed names of the company. Be as unique as possible as Registry is rejecting the general names, or names similar to existing ones. You can check if the name exists here.

    Share capital

    must be more than 1000 EUR, we suggest 1200 EUR for dividing the shares easily. Share capital is only declared, does not have to be paid-up


    the company must have one or more director. In order for the company to be a tax resident of Cyprus, the director shall reside in Cyprus. We can provide service of company directorship if needed.


    the company must have a secretary appointed as obliged by the Company Law. It is easier for practical purposes if the Secreary speak Greek language. We can provide service of company secretary if needed. Secretary cannot be the same as a director, unless the same person is a shareholder, or unless there are two or more directors


    the company must have a secretary appointed as obliged by the Company Law. It is easier for practical purposes if the Secreary speak Greek language. We can provide service of company secretary if needed. Secretary cannot be the same as a director, unless the same person is a shareholder, or unless there are two or more directors
